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Publication date: 2020-06-26

Culture fades: "We are in survival mode"

The pandemic has forced cultural sector actors to radically rethink the way they make art accessible to the public. Seven leaders from different cultural institutions in Luxembourg describe how they have managed the restrictions and share their vision for the future.

In survival mode: Michel Welter, L'Atelier

“We are in survival mode, and I think that in survival mode, it's a different approach. L'Atelir is made up of two companies: we have received 5,000 euros for one, and so far, that's it. This is why we presented our concept of outdoor or drive-in shows to various institutions. Pétange jumped on board, and I am very happy. This gives us at least a little activity and makes the engine run, even if it is very slow. Our activity for Pétange shows is 500 to 600 tickets. That's good, but normally, that's what we would sell in a day. Our turnover has dropped by 90%.


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