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Publication date: 2020-07-01

'Les Congés' will be canceled this year

LUXEMBOURG - The free Rotondes festival, 'Congés Annulés', will take place this summer, despite health constraints, from August 1 to 23.

Let the music lovers in need of concerts reassure themselves, the annual summer meeting of the Rotondes was confirmed on Tuesday morning. The 'Congés Annulés' will take place this year from August 1 to 23, with around twenty concerts in the spotlight. “We will offer 21 local groups, like last year. In 2019, there were 24 international groups, there we will have 5 ”explains Marc Hauser, festival programmer.

With the global health crisis, the programming has been adapted and gives pride of place to Luxembourg musicians: Bartleby Delicate, No Metal In This Battle, Klein, Napoleon Gold, Sun Glitters, Mutiny On The Bounty, Edsun, Aamar or De Läbbel. Groups from Brussels, Berlin or Switzerland will complete the poster. “We had to rethink the reception of the public. The concerts will take place outside, in a tent, they will be seated with the wearing of the compulsory mask. With this delimited space, we hope to be able to accommodate between 250 and 300 people, ”explains Marc Hauser.


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